Press Release
Lytx Shares New Insights on Risky Driving Trends Among Trucking Fleets
- Lytx trucking clients reduced instances of unsafe following distance* by 48%
- Cell phone use was observed 95% more often among trucking fleet drivers than those in other industries, indicating a need for further coaching in this area
SAN DIEGO — May 12, 2020 — From its unmatched database of 6.67 million risky driving events captured from trucking fleets in 2019, Lytx® today released new insights into trucking industry driving trends.
Lytx’s findings include the five risky behaviors seen most often among trucking drivers, most improved driving behaviors, and insights on how trucking-industry driving habits compare to those of other industries.
This data was captured from fleets of all sizes and types within the trucking industry, including for-hire, freight, long-haul and over-the-road fleets. It is part of an ongoing series from Lytx highlighting key behavior trends seen across the nine industries that utilize Lytx video telematics technology, with the goal of informing and supporting ongoing safety efforts in the industries it serves.
The data will be released twice weekly through May 26 here: https://www.lytx.com/en-us/industry-benchmark-data.
Most Prevalent Risky Behaviors in 2019
- Late response**
- Cell phone/device observed
- Driver unbelted
- Following distance*
- Failed to stop
Most Improved Behaviors from 2018 to 2019
- Following distance* – improved 48%
- Late response** – improved 22%
- Cell phone/device – improved 10%
Behaviors may appear on both the "Most Prevalent" and "Most Improved" lists. This demonstrates that even with significant improvement, fleets and drivers must stay vigilant and maintain awareness to keep those behaviors trending downwards.
How Trucking Fleets Stack Up Against Other Industries
Lytx compared the prevalence of behaviors seen in trucking fleets against behavior averages of fleets across all of its other protected industries. Comparatively, trucking fleets stood out in the following areas:
- Cell phone/device observed 95% more often
- Smoking observed 92% more often
Common risky driving behaviors observed within a fleet, as well as benchmarking data from fleets both inside and outside of a specific industry are helpful metrics for understanding industry-specific challenges, guiding safety efforts and then measuring success. To better identify and address top areas of driving risk within their individual fleets, thousands of organizations use the best-in-class Lytx Driver Safety Program; these organizations experience on average up to 50% reduction in collisions and up to 80% on associated claims costs as a result.
About the Data
These insights were derived from Lytx’s proprietary database of trucking driving data from 2019, including 6.67 million risky trucking driving events captured last year. For comparisons across industries, Lytx calculated behavior averages from its global database, which contains driving data from utilities, distribution, concrete, construction, services, transit, government and waste industries. Lytx maintains the fastest-growing proprietary database of professional driving data in the world, currently surpassing 120 billion miles of driving data. The data is anonymized, normalized and in instances of behavior prevalence, is generalizable to trucking fleets at large.
About Lytx
Lytx® is a leading provider of video telematics, analytics, safety, and productivity solutions for commercial, public sector, and field services fleets. Our unrivaled Driver Safety Program, powered by our best-in-class DriveCam® Event Recorder, is proven to help save lives and reduce risk. We harness the power of video to help clients see what happened in the past, manage their operations more efficiently in the present, and improve driver behavior to change the future. Our customizable services and programs span driver safety, risk detection, fleet tracking, compliance, and fuel management. Using the world’s largest driving database of its kind, along with proprietary machine vision and artificial intelligence technology, we help protect and connect thousands of fleets and more than 1.3 million drivers worldwide. For more information on Lytx telematics system, visit http://www.lytx.com, @lytx on Twitter, LinkedIn, our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.
*Following distance refers to a risky driving event in which the distance to the vehicle directly ahead was approximately 1.5 seconds and note increasing for at least 4 consecutive seconds.
**Late response occurs when a driver was not distracted, yet responded late and abruptly to a readily visible risky situation ahead.
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