Press Release
Lytx Data Reveals the 10 Riskiest Cities for Fourth of July Holiday Driving
Between July 3 and July 5, 2018, the roadways surrounding Newark, New Jersey, were found to be at least 53 percent riskier than any other U.S. city. Driving between 5 a.m. and 12 p.m. was found to be at least 65 percent riskier than any other time of the day.
SAN DIEGO — July 2, 2019 —
Lytx®, a leading global provider of video telematics, analytics, productivity and safety solutions for commercial and public sector fleets, today announced new information about the riskiest cities and times of day for travel during the Fourth of July holiday. Though many Americans have the Fourth of July off, America’s commercial drivers keep moving. With this in mind, Lytx analyzed data between July 3 and July 5, 2018, to determine the cities where the riskiest driving behaviors were taking place, the riskiest times of day to be on the road and the top riskiest driving behaviors exhibited.
Lytx’s data is derived from more than 100 billion miles of driving data and more than one million commercial drivers.This wealth of data is analyzed by machine vision, artificial intelligence technology and expert human review, which allow Lytx to provide unparalleled insights into driving behavior across the country.
“The Fourth of July can be a wonderful holiday to celebrate with friends and family, but traveling during the period isn’t without risks,” said Del Lisk, vice president of safety services at Lytx. “Drawing on our vast data repository, we were able to identify the American cities with the highest number of risky driving events, riskiest time of day and the top risky behaviors exhibited, which only Lytx, a leader in video telematics and commercial driver safety, can do.”
Top 10 Riskiest Cities to Drive in between July 3 and July 5
- Newark, New Jersey
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Chicago, Illinois
- Los Angeles, California
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Dallas, Texas
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Houston, Texas
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Bethlehem, New Jersey
Riskiest Times of Day to Drive Across the Country between July 3 and July 5
- Morning from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Afternoon from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
- Nighttime from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Evening from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Top Riskiest Behaviors Observed between July 3 and July 5
- Following distance: ≥ 1 sec to < 2 sec
- Driving unbelted
- Speed violation
About the Data
Insights are derived from Lytx’s client database, including public and private fleets in the trucking, waste, transit, government, construction, field services and other industries.The 2018 data is anonymized, normalized and generalized to drivers given the high volume of Lytx event recorders on domestic urban, residential and rural roadways.
About Lytx
Lytx® is a leading provider of video telematics, analytics, safety and productivity solutions for commercial and public sector fleets. Our unrivaled Driver Safety Program, powered by our best-in-class DriveCam® Event Recorder, is proven to help save lives and reduce risk. We harness the power of video to help clients see what happened in the past, manage their operations more efficiently in the present and improve driver behavior to change the future. Our customizable services and programs span driver safety, risk detection, fleet tracking, compliance and fuel management. Using the world’s largest driving database of its kind, along with proprietary machine vision and artificial intelligence technology, we help protect and connect thousands of fleets and more than one million drivers worldwide. For more information, visit www.lytx.com, @lytx on Twitter, LinkedIn, our Facebook page or YouTube channel.