UK Modern Slavery Act
UK Modern Slavery Act – 2024 Disclosure Statement
Lytx, Inc. (“Lytx”) is committed to conducting our business ethically and in compliance with law. We respect international principles of human rights, including those in the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, and embody these principles in our corporate practices and policies. Lytx’s efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain and business include the following:
Supply Chain
It is expected that all of Lytx’s suppliers, resellers, vendors and others with which we do business along with their employees, agents and subcontractors (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) operate their own businesses in accordance with the highest ethical standards. To that end, Lytx has adopted a Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”) which requires our Suppliers to conduct their business activities in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations while conducting business with and/or on behalf of Lytx. The Supplier Code, which, among other things, addresses human labor conditions, and clearly states:
Suppliers must not use any form of forced labor – indentured, bonded, prison or otherwise. Suppliers must not traffic workers or in any other way exploit workers by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction or fraud. All work must be voluntary and workers should be free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice. Workers must not be required to surrender any government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment.
Suppliers are required to self-monitor and demonstrate compliance with the Supplier Code upon Lytx’s request. Lytx reserves the right to audit Supplier compliance with the Supplier Code, which includes compliance with all laws related to human rights and working conditions. Lytx will not knowingly use any Supplier that uses forced, prison or indentured labor.
Internal Accountability
Lytx does not use indentured labor in its own business, nor does Lytx condone forced or compulsory labor or human trafficking. Such conduct violates Lytx policy. Lytx monitors its business to prevent such behavior from taking place inside Lytx.
Lytx encourages its employees and Suppliers to report any behavior it believes violates a law and its commitment to ensuring that no forced or compulsory labor or human trafficking is taking place at Lytx or anywhere in its supply chain. Reports may be made through Lytx’s ethics web reporting site at www.reportlineweb.com/lytx or by telephone at 844.877.5441.