You’ll often hear us talking about our vision of the world of fleets in which every journey ends with a safe return. Turns out it’s not just the commercial sector that cares about this. A survey of the general public in Ireland, commissioned by our strategic partner Geotab®, found that 81% of respondents had witnessed reckless driving over the past year. This included incidences of speeding, using a mobile phone while driving, and being distracted by eating or drinking at the wheel.
Two-fifths of adults said they felt unsafe in the vicinity of lorries (40%) or vans (39%) as a result.
The study was covered by the Irish media, with an article in Fleet Transport magazine reporting on public demand for improved road safety, including measures such as video technology, more speed cameras and external camera enforcement systems.
This is particularly pertinent as several regulations and initiatives draw nearer, including London’s impending Direct Vision Standard (DVS). This brings a new focus on driver visibility and the reduction of blind spots to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists – something we may soon see spreading more widely across the UK and Ireland.
To read the full story, head to Fleet Transport now.
Research in Ireland Shows Public Concern About Commercial Vehicle Safety