Technology is transforming fleet safety, protecting drivers and reducing driver churn. According to a new report, 94% of HGV fleets and 81% of van fleets reported that safety technology has improved driver recruitment and retention.
Making sure that drivers return home safely has always been a priority for commercial fleets. Over the years, however, new distractions such as mobile phones have increased the chances of drivers losing concentration at the wheel. As a result, we’re seeing a growing need for solutions that reduce risk for drivers and operators, with intelligent video technology at the forefront.
In the past decade, video technology has evolved and become more sophisticated. It now delivers not only increased safety for fleets, but also operational efficiencies and cost reduction. Additionally, it can be a vital tool in driver wellbeing programmes.
To find out more about how operators are engaging with safety technologies, we teamed up with Webfleet to survey 200 UK fleet decision makers. We quizzed them on everything from their investment decision making to the way these new technologies are shaping the future of fleet safety.
Cost reduction
While safety remains critical, it was clear that operators are weighing up other factors that influence the decision to invest in technology for a fleet. These vary according to fleet type. HGV fleets emphasised incident cost reduction (47%) as their top motivator, while van fleets ranked this second (34%) to driver wellbeing (44%).
While there were some disparities, cost reduction – covering everything from vehicle repairs to insurance – was something that all fleets are mindful of.
At Lytx, we believe that better driving habits are the most effective way to achieve this. Improved driving can also bring about multiple gains across vehicle health, fuel costs, insurance claims and more. When your driver has the tools to embrace ‘good’ behaviours, you’re far less likely to see instances of idling and speeding and more likely to see improvements in fuel efficiency and tyre health. The driver is also less likely to be involved in an incident. This is not only good news for driver safety but means a reduction in insurance claims and losses. We have seen this first-hand. For example, in a 12-month trial study with RSA Insurance where an HGV fleet installed Lytx Surfsight® AI-12 dash cams, claims reduced by a significant 21%.
Driver wellbeing
Even with the greatest will in the world, encouraging drivers to talk about their mental health isn’t always easy. As such, it’s vital that operators have the tools and mechanisms in place to recognise when someone may be struggling. Intelligent video can be one way to help identify certain triggers or behaviours that may need closer attention. For example, it could be that driving patterns indicate that a driver is suffering from increased tiredness or that someone with a near perfect record is suddenly exhibiting risky behaviours.
Being able to identify patterns over time and to spot anomalies is the first step in allowing operators to reach out and ascertain if something else is going on. Whatever the cause, these initial insights allow operators to ask the right questions and take action – such as providing additional coaching or making an amendment to the timetable to accommodate a personal circumstance.
Safety remains key
While our research shows that video is helping companies achieve multiple goals, safety remains a primary motivator and intelligent video is contributing to this. 97% of our respondents said that investing in video telematics solutions is an effective way to reduce safety incidents, with AI cited as being particularly important in helping to prevent incidents before they occur. This largely comes down to the ability to provide insights into driver behaviour. More than two-thirds (69%) of respondents highlighted the importance of real-time driver alerts, such as collision warnings and fatigue monitoring.
By embracing intelligent video, fleets can ensure that they achieve multiple goals – protecting people, equipment and reputations.
To download the Webfleet UK Fleet Safety Report and gain critical insights from 200 fleet decision-makers shaping the future of fleet safety, click here.
To find out how intelligent video can help you transform your fleet, get in touch today!