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    Service Technician Job Description: An Essential Guide for Fleet Management

    Service Technician Job Description

    A service technician is one of the essential back-end roles in today's modern, interconnected world. Without them, most of our network infrastructure would crumble in a matter of days.

    But what is a field service technician, anyway?

    These professionals are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing a wide variety of telecommunications and network equipment, including cables and systems. They’re also involved in electrical tasks like fixing phone lines and cabling office buildings. Sometimes, they’re even called upon to show clients how a piece of network equipment is used.

    The nature of a service technician’s job description means they’re always working at different sites. Travel is, therefore, a big part of a technician’s work life. It also requires physical labor, as they need to install overhead cables or carry heavy equipment around.

    As you can see, a field service technician’s job description is pretty diverse and exciting in its own way.

    What does a field service technician do?

    If you look at different service technician job descriptions, you’ll see that they vary wildly. That’s because it’s a very broad role that covers various industries. But there are basic tasks that are common to all of them.

    The most common part of any service tech job description is performing routine maintenance. It’s one of the most crucial aspects of their work. They are directly responsible for ensuring that all the network and electrical systems of a company are working 24/7.

    Another part of a field technician job description is to be dispatched to handle repairs as necessary. Installing equipment (and software, in the case of an IT field technician job) is also expected of them. They can also make recommendations on the best equipment and products that will benefit an organization’s infrastructure as a whole.

    What to consider when hiring a service technician

    Service technician responsibilities

    Here’s a breakdown of the usual duties and responsibilities you’ll see in a typical service technician job description:

    • Install equipment on-site
    • Manage the routine maintenance of an organization’s equipment and infrastructure, and ensure they’re working properly
    • Perform repairs on faulty equipment as soon as possible
    • Coordinate with all other teams in the organization
    • Maintain detailed records and documents of an organization’s equipment, including repair history
    • Suggest new solutions that will improve the overall performance of an organization’s network or electrical structure
    • Effectively communicate to clients and colleagues regarding equipment and repairs
    • Commute safely from job to job by avoiding distractions, adhering to speed limits, and driving responsibly

    Service technician experience

    Service technicians need to rely on a wealth of experience to perform their duties successfully. This includes experience with specific equipment, network systems, or software. They also need to be proficient in using hand and diagnostic tools to aid them in their work.

    Different companies create a specified job description for candidates with different levels of experience. Generally, freelancers are expected to have more experience than entry-level, in-house technicians.

    Service technician education and skills

    A service technician role usually needs a bachelor's degree in computer science, network engineering, information systems, or other related fields of study. At the minimum, a technical or associate degree is required.

    This technical education arms potential candidates with the skills needed to perform their duties. This usually involves knowledge of electrical and computer systems and equipment. The ability to read blueprints and diagrams is also crucial.

    Service technicians need developed soft skills to succeed in their careers. They need reliable, clear communication skills to effectively coordinate with clients and colleagues.

    Technicians also need to be critical thinkers who can come up with solutions to problems on the fly. Efficient time management is a desirable trait for these professionals, who usually need to work fast so they can resolve issues immediately. They should be independent workers who can take responsibility for the network needs of an organization.

    And because a field service technician travels so frequently from assignment to assignment, these potential employees could also be asked to have a clean driving record and the ability to clean and maintain their work vehicle.

    Tips for recruiting service technicians

    Field service fleets are under increasing pressure to meet higher demand and maintain the strongest workforce possible. Part of any field service company’s success depends on recruiting an effective team of technicians to handle the workload safely and efficiently.

    When recruiting service technicians today, there are three factors at play:

    1. There’s an increase in customer service demand. Companies are being expected to increase the workload and work faster.
    2. Service technicians are leaving the workforce faster than organizations can replace them.
    3. Technicians need to be the right fit for an ever-evolving industry.

    While it might be difficult to recruit new service technicians, it’s not impossible with the right tools. Download the ebook -- “The adaptable generation” -- for more information on how to successfully engage new technicians and effectively build your workforce.

    Manage your service team with Lytx

    Service technicians are a vital part of maintaining a fleet’s infrastructure and management. You can help them be more efficient at their jobs with our suite of robust fleet management and fleet tracking service offerings. Schedule a free consultation with us today to see how we can help.