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    Boosting Technician Retention through a Safety-Centered Culture

    Retaining skilled technicians has become an uphill battle for field services organizations. Safety and recognition can change that.

    Field services organizations rely on skilled technicians for smooth daily business operations but retaining them remains challenging. With skilled labor shortages on the rise (for example, contractors, plumbers, and roofers) and the specialized nature of field service work, one way organizations can attract and keep talent is by nurturing a safety-centered culture that includes a robust recognition program.

    I have worked in the safety discipline for more than 20 years, and I see the profound difference a safety and recognition program can make in engaging and, most importantly, retaining a skilled field services workforce.

    Technicians are in short supply and turnover is costly

    A survey conducted by the Home Builders’ Institute found critical shortages of skilled technicians in 16 field services trades, including plumbers, electricians, and landscapers. Meanwhile, a Gallup study found that voluntary employee attrition costs U.S. businesses $1 trillion every year.

    According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average turnover cost per employee is equal to six to nine months of an employee’s salary, while others state it could cost up to two times the employee’s annual salary. These statistics paint a vivid picture of the struggle facing field services organizations.

    To meet this challenge, fleet safety managers understand that it’s about keeping your skilled workforce engaged and committed to your organization. One powerful way to achieve this is by first fostering a strong safety culture within your company, because safety aids retention by opening many other avenues for success.

    Safety and retention say “You are valued”

    When safety is a core value of your company, it sends a message to technicians that their well-being matters. It helps foster a sense of belonging, loyalty, and trust among employees. Technicians who feel valued are more likely to stay with your company, reducing turnover rates that can disrupt operations and seriously impact your bottom line.
    A robust safety program not only protects your technicians but also enhances their efficiency and performance while working. Investing in tools to monitor and improve safety practices in real-time not only mitigates risks but also helps technicians perform their jobs more effectively, leading to higher job satisfaction and morale.

    Safety programs set up technicians for success

    Everyone wants to feel that they are good at their job, and field service technicians have so much more than just one job! In addition to being, for example, a landscape professional, your technician is also a vehicle driver and navigator, an ambassador of your company, and a customer service professional. In-cab safety solutions and telematics offer valuable data insights that provide opportunities for greater efficiency, overall improvements and job-performance excellence.

    Safety programs are about a lot more than just safety. With the help of in-cab technology and telematics data, your technician can address issues that cause delays and inefficiencies. For example, once a technician is made aware of excessive idle times and harsh braking, they can refine their driving skills to improve their mileage, optimize fueling stops, and reduce wear and tear on their vehicle. Route optimization data can help technicians sidestep frustrating traffic delays and maximize their productivity.

    Essentially, your safety and telematics tools can help your technician to arrive on time, perform better, and deliver great service. It’s hard to quantify how great doing a good job can make you feel, and a safety culture helps set up your technicians to perform at their best.

    Retention programs linked to coaching help grow careers

    Retention programs tied to a safety culture are not just about keeping technicians on board; they also present opportunities for growth and professional development. Coaching protocols are a feedback mechanism that allow for meaningful connection while supporting continuous improvement. This investment in your technicians’ skills and career progression can galvanize their commitment to your organization.

    Recognition is vital to retention. Acknowledging technicians for their improvement and achievement boosts morale and reinforces positive behaviors. This recognition fosters a sense of pride in workmanship and strengthens the technician's engagement with the organization. It really pays to take a personal, creative approach to your recognition efforts. Implement a variety of tactics, from peer-to-peer acknowledgments to formal awards ceremonies, that celebrate achievements and improvements, big and small.

    Consider inviting a committee of your technicians and coaches to consult on your recognition program. This is important to finding out what is important to your technicians and integrate it into your recognition to make it resonant and meaningful. It will pay off! Job satisfaction is a powerful motivator!
    The recipe for retaining skilled technicians in field services lies in fostering a culture that values safety and recognition. By investing in these areas, organizations not only enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty but also position themselves as employers of choice in a competitive labor market. When you coach for continuous improvement and bolster that with recognition, increased technician retention is almost a given. People stay where they are valued. They stay where they are protected, and where they matter.